Thrive not Survive

Why keeping simple this Christmas is the most powerful thing you will do for your business

Why keeping simple this Christmas is the most powerful thing you will do for your business

After spending the best part of 6 weeks recovering from a bad bout of illness and asthma, I am now almost fully recovered with plenty of time out from being online and working hard on my business. One of the lessons I have learned and have reflected on during the latter part of this year is the message that’s been on my mind and in my heart for months now - Karen you need to KEEP IT SIMPLE.

The real secret to healing through fear and change

The real secret to healing through fear and change

Four weeks ago I began to feel unrest in my breath. It started in my solar plexus and this began to affect my practice and my walks out in nature. I am very connected to my breath being a strong advocate and teacher of mindfulness, and I had noticed that something felt off.