
How to make Winter walks your source of JOY!

How to make Winter walks your source of JOY!

Now that we have transitioned over to Autumn, and we can physically see the effects, the rust-like and golden coloured leaves, the soaking morning grass, the nip in the air as we sip our morning coffee. We may begin to think cosy thoughts and perhaps our usual walk may begin to slip from our day as we hunker down to work each week and let nature do her thing. Perhaps you’re feeling that it is getting a little more difficult getting up and out in the mornings, the days seem like they are getting shorter and you really must get on with that to-do list first.

Why keeping simple this Christmas is the most powerful thing you will do for your business

Why keeping simple this Christmas is the most powerful thing you will do for your business

After spending the best part of 6 weeks recovering from a bad bout of illness and asthma, I am now almost fully recovered with plenty of time out from being online and working hard on my business. One of the lessons I have learned and have reflected on during the latter part of this year is the message that’s been on my mind and in my heart for months now - Karen you need to KEEP IT SIMPLE.